Memories of the past decade

Monday September 12th.

10 years ago I had just started a new job after having been a Consultant with my own business for the previous decade plus. I was in the process of settling in when I heard about the plane crashing into the World Trade Center and like you thought it must have been a small twin engine job or something like that.

My job was to move 60 people from a randomly customized AutoCAD 14 to a consistent use of Architectural Desktop 3.3. We then moved to the 2005 and 2007 versions, along with Revit 8.1. From there I landed with Microsol Resources, one of the most amazing resellers I have ever worked with, and trust me, I’ve worked with them all as a consultant. I have watched both AutoCAD Architecture and Revit Architecture mature, while watching the advance of products like Navisworks, Showcase, 3DS Max Design, and so much more. Use of the internet to extend processing power and connectivity continues at a steady pace as well.

In the years ahead, I can only imagine where virtualization will lead us. Clearly we will eventually move to more interactive devices such as tablets, and eventually to working virtually in the model itself. So just imagine where we are today in relationship to 2001, and imagine where we shall be in 2021. Hang on. The fun part of the ride is going to continue….

About Reid Addis, RA - AEC BIM Specialist
Reid is a Registered Architect with more than 35 years of experience in the industry. He has worked for a variety of architectural firms and has had his own CAD consulting business for over 12 years. He is currently an AEC BIM Specialist concentrating on Revit® and AutoCAD® Architecture for Microsol Resources Corporation, an Autodesk Platinum Partner.

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