Autodesk Model Performance Technical Note

Like any design instrument, Autodesk® Revit® performance can depend as much on the knowledge, skill and practices of its users as on the hardware environment provided for the software. To address both areas which can affect model performance, the Autodesk® Revit® team has assembled this collection of hardware requirements, recommendations and modeling best practices as researched by both internal development and our community of dedicated customers.

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Just as no two buildings are identical, no two models of differing buildings are precisely identical in the tactics and strategies that will yield the most robust performance, but the recommendations that follow are designed as a set of tools to be selected singly or in combination to help produce in a timely fashion models that are consistent, computable, and communicative of design intent.

Many people on the Autodesk® Revit® team from Support, Quality Assurance, Development, Consulting and Product Management contributed to this document, but a number of recommendations arose from the community of Autodesk® Revit® users, who generously contributed their time and expertise to their peers in a number of forums, and urged Autodesk® to help share their knowledge with an even wider audience. As always, our thanks go to our customers, who are part of the team helping to improve Revit® with every release through their insightful comments and suggestions.

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About Roger Liucci
Roger Liucci has been with Microsol Resources, an Autodesk Platinum Partner for 15 years and specializes in all things Architecture and 3D Printing. Roger provides technical support for the Autodesk Building Design Suite family. He specializes in supporting our architectural building, architectural interiors and structural design clients .The rest of the time Roger is heading up the 3D Printing Services and 3D Printing Repair department at Microsol Resources. In his spare time he dabbles all thinks making, anything related to technology and is constantly renovating his home. Roger is married and has two children. his family keeps him extremely busy and he loves it that way.

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